Thursday, November 1, 2007

Crave a little cozy?

The first ever CRAVE Show is happening this weekend in Seattle and Satsuma Designs will be on hand to debut our newest collections. I'm excited to be part of what I know will be a great event for women. Two days - Saturday and Sunday - of exploration, indulgence, fashion and more, CRAVE Show is taking the Crave party concept to a whole new level.

Creative genius and founder, Melody Biringer, is offering a great line up of speakers, seminars, spa treatments, fashion shows, shopping opps and great eats to please every craver.

Satsuma's piece of the action involves a booth in the fashion section where we'll be sharing our new cozy holiday collection. Bamboo velour and cashmere throws for babies and big babies will be on hand in fun new colors. Custom color orders are available too in our new cashmere line.

Now that's something you'll CRAVE!

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