Friday, February 29, 2008

What's your earth conservation plan (ECP)?

I got intrigued by an ad I saw for esurance while I was watching some HGTV last night. Erin the esurance agent and her sidekick - a laidback fellow - were promoting steps esurance is taking to help the environment. They're a paper free company and all policies are in electronic form, plus through their community outreach they've planted around 20,000 trees. I was impressed! Sounds like I should shop my insurance.

When I went to the site today, I found an even bigger deal and that's their partnership with Earthlab. Check out Earthlab's ECP calculator to get an idea of both your daily habits and carbon footprint that usually only takes into account transportation and energy consumption.

I got a 260 - the range is 150-900. Not bad, but could be better. They have some great tips on lowering that number.


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